How do these amazing mechanical contraptions that we love so much actually operate?

If we ever want to restore, build or modify a car on our own, we need a basic understanding of the principles of their operation. Fortunately for us, in today's world the internet has a wealth of this sort of information.

As with anything you read on the internet, it helps to have someone with some real expertise to lead you through the minefield of ideas and opinions that are posted everywhere you look. As someone with over 40 years of practical experience and schooling in auto mechanics, body work, upholstery and hot  rodding, I think that I can at least help you to move in the right direction.

What we have included on this page are several YouTube videos and articles from around the net to help you with a foundational understanding of how these wonderful machines actually work.

Enjoy the learning process!

Let's start out with the basic fundamentals of a typical 4 stroke automotive engine. This is the type of engine that powers the vast majority of road and racing vehicles around the world. Dig into the basic principles of what makes the power to move you down the road!

Here's another video from a slightly different perspective. This one includes an animated section but also an operating full size cut-a-way engine so that you can see the actual internal parts moving!

Many people don't understand the basic differences between a 4 stroke engine and a 2 stroke which is much more commonly used on motorcycles and other recreational vehicles. So here is a video explaining those differences from a watercraft manufacturer. The 2 stroke has been used in very few automobiles over the years, but for various reasons has never caught on like the 4 stroke did. In this video they discuss some of the reasons why that is the case. Since many of us either own or have owned a 2 stroke motorcycle or other recreational vehicle over the years, it deserves inclusion here.

The other very common power plant in the automotive world is the diesel engine. Originally their resurgence was brought on because of their superior fuel economy. However in the pre-turbo-charging days they were quite inferior when it came to the horsepower department. With the advent of turbochargers and modern computer technology they have become truly awesome, potentially super powerful, go fast machines that have spawned their own almost cult-like following!

Here's a great video on the basics of how a diesel works.

Here is an amazing website with tons of graphic animations on the working processes of the internal combustion engine! Check it out at:

Just for kicks, let's throw in here an automotive oddity whose only long-term fan club lies solidly in the Mazda camp. It seems like almost everybody has heard of the rotary or Wankel engine, but almost nobody has any real clue how they work. But work they have for almost 50 years for the Mazda gang. However, because they are much more difficult to get their exhaust emissions and noise levels into acceptable parameters, even Mazda seems to be phasing them out. Still, I have a nephew who has a fully streetable RX-8 that is pumping out way over 500 hp from his little rotary! Pretty amazing!

Wikipedia has a very in-depth article on different types of Internal Combustion Engines to add to all of these videos. Some excellent information here!

Pick your poison! What's your powerplant of choice? 2 stroke, 4 stroke, diesel, rotary or???

 Now, let's throw in another key component here!

How do you get the gasoline into an engine so that it will burn and create the power that we are after?

Well from the time it was invented up until about the 1980's the standard approach was to use a carburetor. Then the manufacturers began to realize that they could get much better results by controlling the mixtures, timing an quantity of the air/fuel mix going into the engine by using electronic fuel injection. This allowed them to first tighten up their control of exhaust emissions, and then create more fuel efficient cars. It didn't take them a whole lot longer to realize that this technology also allowed them to begin producing extremely powerful engines that were still achieving great fuel economy numbers and operating very cleanly as well! What a combination!

In fact I just read an article about the 2016 corvette. The base model of this amazing car produces a mind boggling 455hp and still knocks down 29 mpg on the highway! Those numbers approach the bending of reality! Back in the muscle car days of the late 60's - early 70's, the biggest, baddest cars on the planet were barely approaching the 450 hp mark with their top of the line engine packages and they were barely driveable on the street! Then you had to deal with the fact that they couldn't pass up a gas station because their gas mileage was somewhere in the 5-8 mpg range or less!

Now just for a fun contrast, we were talking about the base model Corvette! If you are a real thrill seeker, you can always opt for an upgrade to the ZO6 super car version! Now we are talking about a car that is knocking down 650 hp/650 lb-ft of torque and will still get you 18mpg on the highway!

Think you still want your old carburetor back? Well maybe in certain situations. But generally speaking, not in a modern high performance car!

But just for the fun of it, here are a couple of videos on carburetors! Dig in!

Here's a comparison between basic styles of carbs and fuel injection!

Now to wrap up this section, let's watch as this gentleman tears down a typical engine and describes all of the various parts to us. This will help to familiarize the typical listener with the many different parts of a conventional 4 stroke internal combustion gasoline engine. Watch and learn!

From here you will understand the basic principles that an engine operates on. Now, what's next? How about High Performance? Learn some of the secrets of how to build more good old fashioned HORSEPOWER into your favorite car! Check out the page on Engine Performance Upgrades!